BooCat Black Cat Halloween Clown Pin

So here is the newest offering from Autumn&Boo.

A little BooCat pinback brooch. Now you too can have your own mini BooCat. XD

Look at him! How can anyone resist a cute little face like that?

He's quite lovely really. His clown suit is actually made from the sample pieces for the original BooCat suit.

He's actually much more sparkly and intense than in this photo. Shame on me for being such a bad photographer.

A happy event happend this evening in relation to this particular little guy. MrKittysSoapShop contacted me to inform me that he'd been featured in her Team Discovery Challenge Treasury "Pomme et Courge" .

Another slightly more colourful view! :)
Some exciting news came in relation to the posting of this

SOLD! - Thank you Leah  :)


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